Getting Started

View and download your leads

87 views February 21, 2018 November 20, 2018 Hover Lead 0

You can view and download your leads in your “Leads Panel” page.

Hover Lead provides three file formats for downloading your leads: “CSV”, “Excel” and “XML”.

In your leads panel you can:

  1. See the form summary of leads numbers, Form Exposures and Conversions
  2. View, edit or delete leads
  3. View leads metadata
  4. View leads sources such as utm_source, utm_campaign, etc
  5. Sort leads by any column
  6. Search and filter leads
  7. Download leads to your computer
  8. Change the leads status (e.g.: Approved, On Progress, Failed…)
  9. Make bulk actions on a group of leads together
  10. Add remark to a lead

Icons of indications:

  1. The small “f” icon indicates that the leads came from Facebook Leads Ad.
  2. The small broken link icon indicates that the lead has failed to integrate to a CRM.
  3. The small bubble icon indecates that there is a remark on the lead.

To view your leads panel:

  1. Click on “Forms” on the side bar
  2. Click on the “View” button on the specific form

Note – When applying filters or a search in your leads panel, Hover Lead will remember your choices, so you can feel free to move around the platform and go back to the filtered leads panel. You can stop the filtering mode at any time.


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