Plans, Pricing and billing

Payments error handling

26 views April 25, 2018 November 18, 2018 Hover Lead 0

Hover Lead is doing its best to enable a smooth and fast checkout flow, as part of the checkout flow, we are using third-party service as the payment’s processor. To make purchases sounds better.

If something goes wrong with your purchasing process, please follow these steps:

  1. In case of an error, follow the instructions and messages displayed on the page
  2. Make sure that you type the correct details, such as the card number, express date, CVV, etc.
  3. Make sure that the credit card’s expiry date is bigger than the current date
  4. Make sure you have a positive balance and that your limit is higher than the plan price
  5. Add your national identification number, this is an optional field, but some countries will requires it in order to approve the purchase
  6. Make sure that your card was not reported as lost or stolen

In case you followed all of the above and you still have a problem, please contact us by email. We can try to resolve this issue manually.

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