Forms & Customization

Working with tags

42 views November 4, 2017 November 20, 2018 Hover Lead 0

Tags help users in managing multiple forms, campaigns and clients and can also be used to describe types of forms or types of leads in any way.

With Tags you can:

  • Describe the type of the form or the type of the leads it holds
  • Group forms under one name
  • Filter your forms by tag name
  • Enable access to a collaborator based on a specific tag

You can create a tag in two ways:

  1. Click “Tags” on the side bar
  2. Click on the “Enter New Tag” button
  3. Rename the tag name
  4. Click on the “Update” button
  5. Do the same operation for any tag you want


  1. Click “Forms” on the side bar
  2. Enter the tag name in the tag field of the specific form
  3. To accept the tag name, hit Return key or type comma or space
  4. Do the same operation for any tag you want

Tags can be renamed or deleted later in the tags manage page.

To delete a tag, follow these steps:

  1. Click “Tags” on the side bar
  2. Click on the “Delete” button of the specific tag row
  3. On the confirmation dialog, click “Confirm

Note – When deleting a tag that was used as a filter for permissions to a collaborator, the collaborator filter will be deleted as well.

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