Forms & Customization

Managing forms fields

70 views November 4, 2017 November 20, 2018 Hover Lead 1

In many cases you may want to manage or change your form fields, managing your form fields will affect the user inputs on the form and the columns of the collected information on the form’s leads panel.

Here are the types of  fields available for you to manage:

  1. Input text field
  2. Text area
  3. Select box
  4. Checkbox
  5. Radio button

When managing your forms fields, you can:

  1. Add new fields
  2. Delete existing fields
  3. Disable or enable a field
  4. Change the field name
  5. Change the field type
  6. Change the field label
  7. Change the field placeholder
  8. Set the field as required
  9. Hide a field
  10. Set the minimum and maximum length of the field value
  11. Set the width of the fields
  12. Set if the field to be inline or not
  13. Set the field alignment
  14. Arrange the fields’ order
  15. Add predefined options to a field (in case of Select box field)

To manage your forms fields, please follow these steps:

  1. Click “Forms” on the side bar
  2. Click on the “Settings” button of the selected form
  3. Click on the “Fields” tab
  4. Manage the fields
  5. Click on the “Update Fields List” button

Note – The “Submit Button” and “Click to Call” elements are not fields, they have different properties, but because they are displayed inside your form, they can also be managed in the “Fields” tab of your form settings page.

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