CRM Integration

Loading existing integration configuration

49 views November 3, 2017 November 20, 2018 Hover Lead 1

With Hover Lead, you can reuse the integration settings for every new form, this can save you time when integrating multiple forms to the same CRM system.

You can also load integration settings from one CRM system to another based on a similar configuration, for instance, if you have two forms with similar fields (say – name, phone, email) integrating to two different CRM systems, you may still want to load one integration settings where fields are already set and change only the CRM integration URL.

If you don’t have any integration set yet, you can first see: Integrating leads to a CRM.

To load existing integration settings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” page
  2. Click the “CRM” tab
  3. Click on the “Load Existing Integration” button
  4. Type the name of the previous integration and select from the autocomplete list
    Note – It is highly recommended to give unique readable names to integrations settings in order to recognize them easily later
  5. Click “Load Existing Integration”

Note – After loading an integration to a new form, changing its parameters will not affect the original integration settings.

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