Leads Panel

Filtering and lead search

1042 views April 3, 2015 November 20, 2018 Hover Lead 27

Your leads can be easily filtered by any combination of leads status, leads types, fields and operators.

Available leads status:

  1. Default
  2. Approved
  3. In Progress
  4. Failed

Available leads types:

  1. Mobile / Desktop
  2. Facebook leads / All Leads except Facebook leads

Available leads fields:

  1. All user inputs fields that you have on the form
  2. Date and Time

Available Operators:

  1. Equal to a value
  2. Different from a value
  3. Contains a value
  4. Greater than a value
  5. Smaller than a value

Filter Mode

When you filter your leads in your leads panel, Hover Lead saves your last filtering criteria to the current session, so you can browse around and go back to your leads panel while the filtering mode is active.

The filter mode will be terminated in two scenarios: if you close it by clicking on the “Clear Filters” link, or if you terminate your session by clicking “Logout” or by closing the browser.

Note – if you download your leads in filter mode, you will be asked if you want to download only the filtered leads or the full file.

To filter your leads, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Forms” at the side bar
  2. Click on the “View” button of the form you want to see
  3. In your leads panel, select the type of filter you want
  4. Click on “Filter” button

To close the filter mode, click on “Clear Filters” link.

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