Leads Panel

Thumbnails and links fields inside leads panel

2199 views April 3, 2015 November 20, 2018 Hover Lead 30

In some cases, you may want to see links or thumbnails inside your leads panel.

For instance, say you are collecting account numbers of a social network website, and those account numbers are also used in the profile URL, for example: http://social-web.com/1234, when 1234 is the social number, in this case, you can configure in your leads panel in order to see the column of the account number as links and not as a plain text, to make it easier for you to browse and click on links to visit those accounts.

Another example is when you want to see images inside your leads panel.

For instance, say you are collecting an image name as part of the lead, while the physical location is hosted elsewhere, for example, a path to an image can be: http://photos.com/my_images/image1.jpg, but the image name is only “image1.jpg”. In this case you can configure your leads panel to show thumbnails of the images instead of their names, then by clicking on a thumbnail you will be redirected in a new tab to see the actual thumbnail.

To show column values as links, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Forms” at the side bar
  2. Click on the “Settings” button of the form that holds the leads you want to delete
  3. Click on the “Leads Panel” tab
  4. Under “Columns” section, under the “Type” column, select “Link Field” in the select box
  5. On the displayed URL field, enter the base URL to which you will add the value later
  6. Optionally, if you do not want to add the value at the end of the URL you entered, you can use “*” (asterisks) to point the position and replace the value in the URL
  7. Finally, click “Update Columns Settings

To show column values as thumbnails, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Forms” at the side bar
  2. Click on the “Settings” button of the form that holds the leads you want to delete
  3. Click on the “Leads Panel” tab
  4. Under “Columns” section, under the “Type” column, select “Image Field” in the select box
  5. On the displayed URL field enter the base URL to which you will add the name of the image
  6. Optionally, if you do not want to add the name of the image at the end of the URL you entered, you can use “*” (asterisks) to point the position and replace the name of the image in the URL
  7. Finally, click “Update Columns Settings

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