CRM Integration

Selecting integration values using the “Source” menu

52 views November 3, 2017 November 20, 2018 Hover Lead 0

When configuring an integration, you can send a few types of values to the CRM, the values should be set in the “Expected CRM fields values” field.

Values you enter can be constant just by typing the values itself into the field, or, you can select a value holder from the “Source” menu.

By selecting a value holder, you are basically asking Hover Lead to send the value that will be found in the parameter you specified.

There are three types of value holders that you can choose from:

  1. Form data – values that the end-user entered such as his name, email, phone or any other value the user typed in the form
  2. Meta data – values that Hover Lead collects in the background such as the user’s browser, his browser language, the user’s IP address, date and time and unique identifier. See Leads Metadata to view our supported Metadata types. In addition to metadata you can also select these values:
  3.  Date
    1. Date and Time (UTC) – the current date in UTC format, e.g.: ‘2018-10-28T17:16:08.0000’
    2. Date and Time – the current date in default format, e.g.: ‘28/10/2018 17:16:08’
  4. Custom Date – the current date in a specify format, e.g.: ‘Y-m-d’’
  5. Unique Lead ID – a unique string that we generate to represent the specific lead

URL data – values extracted from the URL address of the landing page or website that hosted the form, this usually is used for parameters such as utm_source, utm_campign, ref, meda, etc,

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